Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The dawn of a new era

ThompsonforMayor is the nickname LT's campaign used in the closing days of the race to post on PennLive forums.  Early in the evening when it became evident Linda would win the election, ThompsonforMayor posted the following on PennLive:

7565. So much for Pathetic Bloggers
by ThompsonforMayor, 11/3/09 21:02 ET
guess you guys really are pathetic and the voters of Harrisburg are showing just how pathetic you are.
7567. Whatever!
by ThompsonforMayor, 11/3/09 21:12 ET
You guys are just mad because after all that negativity that you did, after all the bad press she received the people have spoken. It is over. the Good guys win. The forces of evil can crawl back to the west shore. To think you actually thought you could win this, now that is funny.
7573. Come Together?
by ThompsonforMayor, 11/3/09 21:40 ET
I absolutely agree. But that is for Tomorrow. Today all of you hateful Mindlin supporters get to eat your arrogant prognistications. Even with the cross over Reed and Les ford Democrats, your guy is still getting spanked. i told you that Les Ford's endorsement was the equivalent of a warm pitcher of spit.
7573.1. terrible
by danwxman2, 11/3/09 21:49 ET
Re: Come Together? by danwxman2, 11/3/09

and this is the official word from the campaign... you guys are just terrible, awful people.

Mindlin is going to get around 43-44% of the vote. That's pretty respectable in a heavily Democratic city. The real story is why didn't Linda get more votes in such a staunchly Democratic city? It should have been a landslide and it is not.
7573.1.1. That is not the story
by ThompsonforMayor, 11/3/09 21:53 ET
we know why that it. White Steve Reed democrats crossed over and voted for Mindlin. Not all of them but some of them. Enough of them to give him more votes than he deserved. The story is that agaisnt the odds, slammed for 10 days in the PN and with white democrats killing her on Penn Live she still beat him soundly.


Anonymous said...

Really, really disappointing.

But, I don't find their infantile responses surprising.

I'm leaving this place. I've had it.

Maybe a new blog: Harrisburg Backward?

Bearcat said...

I am warming up my computer to begin the letter to the editor campaign for the coming four years right now. Central PA people are going to have to be exceedingly vigilant in the defense of our city, and tax dollars.

Anonymous said...

So the patriot news is quoting richard house liberally that opposition to her is racially motivated. That is absurd. Most democrats in the city voted for Obama..she is no Obama. She is a polarizing figure and some of her rhetoric is race-based.
It will now be up to Linda Thompson, and the city council to prevent middle class flight from the city.

Jennifer said...

Will you keep this blog going throughout her term? PLEASE! We need you and the others to keep up the cowardly, pathetic blogging that has put her under more scrutiny than she's ever experienced. We need that to continue. She's obviously hiding something, if she had nothing to hide she would have answered the questions, provided information. Instead she behaves like a sullen, self righteous teenager with a secret.
Please keep this blog going!!

Anonymous said...

still makes me sad and mad.
this is craziness and hatred, pure and simple.
what a place. And to think that ministers supported folks of this caliber!
thanks for posting this, so we will remember.

Bearcat said...

What no post about yesterday's events? I'm disappointed. I was hoping you would have some comments.