Monday, February 7, 2011

Canaries in the coal mine

Historically canaries were carried into coal mines since the birds are especially sensitive to poisonous gases. If Tweety dropped dead, the miners knew to get out and get out fast.

Chuck Ardo was the canary in Linda Thompson's dark mineshaft of an administration. To our great good fortune, Chuck managed to escape before he succumbed to Linda's toxic atmosphere. He's been singing ever since and we'd be fools not to heed his warnings.

After his first day on the job August 10, Chuck told wwwABC27 News, "The Mayor's gotten off to a difficult start with the media. I don't think that's entirely her fault and hopefully I can provide a little bit of stability and work with the media to tell the Mayor's story and to make sure people understand what her point of view is."

Six months later Chuck told the same station, "She is learning as she goes, so I think she makes mistakes that are to be expected, but unfortunately, the city is in no position to have those kinds of mistakes happen. Decisions that need to be made quickly are not made, and the city ends up being worse off for that."

Chuck continued his exit interview with Fox 43 telling a reporter of homophobic comments Linda has made behind closed doors.  "I don't believe you can have a modern day leader who's got attitudes that belong in the cave."


Today another canary in the person of Joyce Davis, Linda's first spokesperson and founding member of the I Ran Screaming From City Hall Club added her voice to the chorus.  Joyce, an accomplished and gracious woman, had been closed mouthed about her reasons for leaving Thompson's gulag.  In the wake of Chuck's chirping, Joyce finally revealed the reason for her abrupt departure.

Joyce Davis felt physically threatened by The Honorable Mayor Linda D. Thompson.  Wow.  Just.  Wow. 

She filed a formal complaint with the Harrisburg Human Relations Commission but the Commission claims they lack jurisdiction.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just discovered your Blog and I am smitten. Just wondering....any word on who hacked the Hbg City Council website?

Says the site had to be completely recoded as "Recent exploits of our site code has made this a necessity."