Saturday, October 31, 2009


Happy Halloween.

Things are getting scary out there. We hope it’s just in the spirit of the holiday, but we fear it’s a forecast of what life will be like under a Thompson régime.

The Internet is invaluable for spotting trends and news before it appears in the main stream media. If it appears at  all.

Disturbing reports have been cropping up in PennLive’s Harrisburg Forum

Initially we have this:

7488. At Broad St Mkt
by helpmejesus, 10/31/09 14:17 ET

Did anyone else see LT supporters accost Les Ford at the Broad Street Market today?It was so bad the police were called in. They were calling him names and all such stuff.It was terrible. About twenty people were present and they attempted a verbal beat down of Mr. Ford.

Mr. Ford showed dignity in responding by telling the crazy people that he had marched with MLK jr, who said we must judge by the content of one's character.
Kudos to Mr. Ford.
A Thompson supporter weighs in:
7488.1.2.1. Linda
by justwanna, 10/31/09 16:01 ET

Re: At Broad St Mkt by justwanna, 10/31/09

is not responsible for others behaviors. How can you come on here and say the things your saying about the black pastors and everyone esle your accussing. You call people thugs becasue the oppose someone. People have a right. But they should have protested right. We should be able to agree to disagree. Apparently, the people seem to have a reason for there actions and again they should have done it right. Les Ford has been jumping all over the place. With his endorsement of Mr. Mimdlin, how many votes have he changed? (400) Maybe or maybe not. Has he been promised anything?
The local media is called out:
7490. where is the Patriot News?
by bullstreet, 10/31/09 16:44 ET
Voter intimidation is AGAINST THE LAW! The Police were called, so there is a report on file....where is the Patriot News, or have they joined the ranks of the intimidated since LT threatened a lawsuit?
This is not the first time the Thompson campaign has been called out on account of intimidation tactics.   After the Forum at the Zembo Mosque the following exchange appeared along with an apparent confirmation by the Thompson campaign.
7118. call the PO-PO
by xhbgpolice, 10/22/09 15:21 ET

Now, what is interesting is that there was indeed a group of MIndlin supporters talking after the "debate" ended (see post 7085). The folding chairs were set up in rows. As soon as Mindlin closed the event, three people stood & turned to four others in the row behind.

One other woman came to the end of the two rows, standing at the edge of the aisle. So picture a circle of sorts. All were chatting when quite suddenly and brutally, were pushed by a very large man right into the rest of the group, right into the chairs. Apparently a bodyguard for LT.

Three of the women in the group were "body checked," to quote one of those pushed. No one had noticed them coming because we were chatting, but as soon as the push occurred, we all took noticed. Not only us, but James Ellison noticed, too. Without stopping the procession, he turned towards us with a surprised look on his face.

I think he was taken aback at how brutally hard those ladies were hit.

It was another prime example of the ridiculous over-production of LT's camp. The enclosed escort of LT, surrounded by her people. An encapsulating entourage of self-importance and arrogance.

They all are so wrapped up in these assumed "roles" that they have forgotten the basics of respect. If they asked them to move, they were not heard. It wasn't as if they paused to be sure. But at the same time, a barreling group of 3 wide (2 bodyguards equally four people) coming down the aisle should have adjusted themselves to be reasonable in such a situation.

This is not personal. This is fact.
This response was posted under one of a number of nicknames used by Thompson's campaign:

7118.3. I saw that
by bonarges1, 10/22/09 18:30 ET
Re: call the PO-PO by bonarges1, 10/22/09

and here is what you all did not see, they were asked to move "politely" and one lady sucked her teeth at the gentlemen, who was trying to move and purposely took a step back into their path and since he was a big man, she bounced right off of him,that guy must have weighed 260lbs to her 120 lbs. she was dumb trying to be cute and thinking that she would just sop those guys? but she was asked politely and they refused to move.. i saw the whole thing !
"Leadership is based on inspiration, not domination; on cooperation, not intimidation."-- William Arthur Ward.


Chris N. said...

Is it just me, or does every photo of Linda seem to show a perpetual scowl?

It's like, "I just pulled off the biggest primary upset in Harrisburg history. I have a huge demographic and partisan registration advantage. I will probably be elected mayor next Tuesday....And I'm as mad as Hell about it!"

Anonymous said...

These tyrant supporters have learned from ACORN. It worked nationally. Why not bring it to the city?