Friday, October 23, 2009

I'll get you my pretties, and your little blogs too!

Going into the home stretch, the Thompson campaign appears to be in total meltdown after a series of news reports asking some uncomfortable questions.

Miss Linda claims her record is public and transparent.  She has repeatedly invited voters to judge her on her record.

OK.  We did.  We looked at her record, reported what we found and now she is rightously pissed at us and our little blog: Mayoral Candidate Thompson Blasts Bloggers 

It seems Linda doesn't like us.  Strangely, we're entirely OK with that.  Really. We're fine.

We do think she tends to overreact.  All we did was take her up on her offer to examine her record.  When some teensy inconsistencies popped up, we asked for clarification.  It's not like we dropped a farmhouse on her. 

And Linda.  Just how stupid are you? You're taking on the bloggers?  Really? Communications degree notwithstanding, you haven't got the home field advantage here. Stick to the churches and peddle your pious act there.  There's nothing churches like better than unrepentant hypocrites.  Meanwhile, your "pathetic bloggers" reference is now avalabile in a poly/cotton blend in three sizes.  We may be pathetic bloggers, but we're fashionistas.

Let's focus the issue. Despite her attempts to blame the messenger, this isn't about "pathetic" bloggers.  This isn't about her race or gender and attempts to characterize it as such are obvious diversionary tactics. This is about Linda and her qualifications to be Mayor of Harrisburg as we face a very uncertain financial future. 

Soon it wasn't just our voice in the wilderness pointing out the emperess had no clothes, other pathetic bloggers took notice. Then the media woke up: Blogger tries to make home ownership election issue

The dream house story that launched this blog less than a week ago caught the attention of Channel 21 and it ran as the lead story Thursday night:  "Home Dream" Never Came True -- CBS 21 News Investigative Report

Today the Patriot-News reports Thompson's very confusing statements regarding her curious finances. Notable is the surprising fact she collected unemployment after resigning a position with the Urban League.  Harrisburg mayoral candidate Linda Thompson tells more about her finances  We thought one had to lose a job involuntarily to collect UC. You're really not making this very easy, are you Linda?

One line from today's Patriot story caught our attention: "My campaign finance reports show the sources of all my funding for the past decade, none of which came from Loveship Inc.”

But we have this quote from the Big Book of Linda's Precious Memories:
"Previously, Thompson earned $60,000 annually from Loveship for three years in the early 2000s. Thompson said Loveship's paltry income is barely enough to cover the $10,000 in annual rent she charges the organization to rent space in her building at 2320 N. Fifth St. and meet its utility and overhead costs."  -- Patriot-News, May 12, 2009 "Harrisburg mayor candidate says politics hurt her nonprofit service"
Clearly that $180,000 income was within the past decade and came from Loveship.  Two different stories from Linda. This opens up a whole new line of questioning.


LakeshaSmith said...

Ding Dong! I think that weave looks more like the lion for TWO!

Anonymous said...

didn't you love her say "wrotten"? and what was she trying to say that began with an "r" riotus/ruckus?? she talks like George W. Bush!

2ndStMom said...

Keep it coming!

Anonymous said...

How about digging up more stuff on Linda's gas pump lawsuit reported today in the PN ? Find out from the docket the name of the lawyer defending that case, call him/her and get Transparent Linda's under oath deposition testimony...