Monday, October 26, 2009

Through a glass darkly...

Questions just keep popping up about “Transparent” Thompson’s foundering LOVESHIP.

In LOVESHIP’s halcyon days Thompson was pulling down $60,000 annually in addition to $10,000 rent (utilities not included) she charges her organization. That gravy train lasted three years until, as Thompson whined to the Patriot-News this spring, funding evaporated because of combative city politics.

Shortly after the nonprofit set sail in 2000, The Central Pennsylvania Business Journal ran a story.

The director of an existing nonprofit expressed concern about the possibility of Loveship's duplicating services offered by other agencies.

But, noted Kelly Bonds, a director of two Harrisburg-area clubhouses for the Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Pennsylvania Inc., Loveship is in a neighborhood that's not well served, particularly for children attending nearby Camp Curtin Elementary School and William Penn High School.

Rodney Brooks, president and CEO of the Urban League of Metropolitan Harrisburg Inc. declined to comment.
-- Central Penn Business Journal,
Loveship sets sail in local neighborhood, June 2, 2000

In light of what we still don't know about Thompson’s employment history with the Urban League of Metropolitan Harrisburg, Inc., (Was she terminated? Did she resign voluntarily? How did she managed to collect uemployement compensation? What happened to the discrimination complaint she filed?) Rodney Brooks’ refusal to comment on the launch of LOVESHIP is most interesting.

So here’s a question for Ms. Transparency: “In the first five years of LOVESHIP, where did the money come from?”

There have been murmurings some of the money came from the Urban League as part of a deal for Thompson to drop her gender discrimination complaint.

No doubt when Linda follows Nevin Mindlin’s lead and releases her tax returns and her full resume, all our doubts will be assuaged and the rumors laid to rest. We don’t want to speculate, but there is increasing chatter among the pathetic bloggers about what she was doing professionally for a number of years before her return to Harrisburg.

So, Linda, as the holder of a “communications” degree you surely know the best way to quash a rumor is to quickly release documentation proving the rumor isn’t true.

We’re waiting, but not holding our breath.  Crisis management doesn't seem to be one of your fortes.  It took you six days to delete the Success Story from your website after the pathetic bloggers behind Harrisburg Forward pointed it out.  Now the fraudulent claim has drawn the interest of the state's Bureau of Charitable Organizations.  You may well get your weave in the wringer over that.

Of course, someone would actually have to file a complaint about your nonprofit which is really not that hard to do here or here.  And we don't think the Attorney General's office is going to be that impressed that you've got the stamp of approval from Rendell.  We're just sayin' . . .


Chris N. said...

I'm waiting to hear some explanation of her "childhood home," which she apparently both inherited from her parents and purchased from the city for $1. I'm wondering if this "childhood residence" might be part of the reason that her maiden name is being treated as a state secret?

HbgForward said...

We understand her generous brother's surname is "Crawford."

That would suggest her maiden name was Crawford as well, but we cannot attest to that. Indeed, we pretty much don't take assume anything about Ms. Thompson anymore unless we see documentation.

Chris N. said...

It would be interesting to see if anybody named "Crawford" ever owned the North Fifth Street house in question. I know she supposedly purchased it for a dollar from the city, but I could have sworn I read somewhere else where she claimed it was passed down to her through family.

Who knows? Perhaps the "very generous brother" spotted her the dollar to purchase the house from the city?

Not being local, it's difficult for me to gauge whether these charges (or more specifically Linda's evasive and bizarre responses) are gaining any traction.

It seems a lot like Washington, DC, where the election isn't really decided on election day, but rather a few months earlier, during the Democratic primary. Just look at how many times Marion Barry was elected and re-elected, both as mayor and to the city council seat where he sits to this day.

Please tell me that there is something different about Harrisburg, which might be a sign of hope.

HbgForward said...

We might be able to shed some light on the question. Dauphin County deeds can be viewed on line here:
According to the deed, the LOVESHIP house was transferred from her mother for the sum of $1 on February 10, 1998. Her father's name doesn't appear on the deed.

Her mother's name appears as Mary C. Thompson/Crawford.

One might reasonably infer that Thompson is Linda's maiden name and Stephen Crawford is her half-brother.

LakeshaSmith said...

This article shows that her brother's father's name is Samuel Banks. So what is Linda's maidenname?

Anonymous said...

what about the student loan issue?

Jen in PA said...

Too many last names in one immediate family causes confusion! Was Linda ever married? It doesn't matter, I'm just curious.

Loveship supposedly helps the community in other ways than 'home buying'. According to the website, they provide assistance in avoiding foreclosure, counseling kids and adults in job training, community service, etc. How successful has been that end of the non profit? I find it highly suspect that she doesn't respond immediately, but waits several days to give her 'press conference' and doesn't even present her case with clarity and organization. Papers stacked across the desk in an attempt to seem, what, professional? (she does this same thing at debates) As if Loveship were SO busy? If it were me, I would have had a folder organized with copies of the list of requirements, qualifications, paperwork needed and when it's needed; copies of letters sent and received, all in order by date ready for the news people.
I'm thinking the funding dried up because the donors weren't seeing results. Who wants to give money to a charity that doesn't DO anything? She needs to be clear about the sources of funding. Linda "I am Transparent" Thompson is being anything but.
Still no resume. Why is she reluctant to clear the air about where she's been and what employment she's had? She is a public servant running for mayor, she needs to tell us. Mindlin is clear about his resume. Where and what did she do during those years? We know she has a son, so obviously she was raising him, but was she working? Who was she working for or with?
Too may questions not getting answers because she feels she doesn't need to answer them, even though she herself has said, I AM TRANSPARENT. You're transparent all right -we see right through you. Gives us answers LT and we just might get off your back.